Embarking on the Short Manaslu Circuit Trek via Arughat with Third Rock Adventures was an extraordinary journey from start to finish. Naba, the architect behind the scenes, played a crucial role in meticulously planning and customizing the 14-day itinerary to cater to our preferences. His dedication and attention to detail were evident, ensuring a seamless experience from the moment we landed in Kathmandu. Our guide, Rishi, was not just a guide but a source of inspiration throughout the trek. His wealth of knowledge about the region, coupled with a warm and friendly demeanor, transformed the trek into an enlightening adventure. Rishi's expertise ensured our safety and added an extra layer of enjoyment to the stunning landscapes of the Manaslu region.Without a doubt, I highly recommend Third Rock Adventures for their impeccable service, competitive pricing, and the remarkable Short Manaslu Circuit Trek experience.