Namuna Devkota, hailing from the picturesque hills of Gorkha with a majestic view of the Manaslu Himalaya, ventured into the realm of finance with fervor. Despite her academic roots in science, specializing in Botany, she embarked on a challenging journey by joining our company in 2021.
Her determination to excel and adaptability swiftly transformed her into a linchpin of our team. With a blend of robust academic qualifications and an unwavering commitment to learning, Namuna swiftly mastered the intricacies of business administration, particularly excelling in financial management.
Her proficiency in English, coupled with exceptional problem-solving skills and adeptness in leadership and teamwork, have solidified her position within our ranks. Namuna's responsibilities encompass a spectrum of crucial tasks, ranging from generating comprehensive financial reports to providing invaluable assistance to financial managers and board members in devising strategic financial plans and budgets.
In a short span, Namuna has become an indispensable asset, embodying dedication, adaptability, and excellence in every aspect of her role within our organization.